Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thing #10 Image generation - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Thing #10 generated images - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

2010 Blog #9

Ok so now we're talking, google reader search tool was the easiest. The ones I am looking for are harder to find because they're in another language, so I'll need to revisit and find more. Many of my own French friends have blogs, but they're not coming up here so...more time warranted for this post...

For the intents and purposes of this blog, I stick to standards like newspapers: Le Monde and Le Figaro and more to come. I chose these because they are reliable sources where kids can get good accurate information. Also, an online dictionary is a good link and fairly trustworthy source.

None of the feed search thingies seemed to find too much - I guess other French teachers aren't turned onto this just yet....

2010 Blog #8

RSS FEEDS ARE AWESOME! I can keep kids abreast of current events in France and the French speaking world, initiate class discussions and essay topics. This is C.O.O.L.!!!

Not only can I keep up personally, but here I can add all sorts of current events links, cultural events, and so can my students. I also have a link to the Podcast, which one student showed me earlier this year.

2010 Blog #7

Google Tools:

I already use Google Earth often to look up addresses, since I am a visual person. I know we can use that for learning directions etc and use it for descriptive exercises.

The calendar is great too; we can use it for club/organization calendars and homework/project due dates for my classes and post it online. No more excuse to not know what's going on in class, especially when 95% of our students have internet access.

Picasa is ok; I have used it for personal items but not sure I am in love with it... it may be that I just haven't had enough time to mess with it, see all its features...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2010 Blog #6

Ok now we're talking; Mappr can be used in my advanced classes as well as lower levels to demonstrate both the Francophone world's span as well as enhance students knowledge of Geography, something about which Americans are notoriously ignorant.

looks like mosiacmaker as well as bookr are both things to be explored by students in projects too.

I am creating a trading card and though the kids could do the same for the 'stars' project we began on the ceiling in the room this past spring. They could choose influential people from all genres and create cards on each one, that we can later use in lower levels for projects perhaps or other exercises...they could even create trivia games for advanced kids...good for drilling on culture, getting kids to ad lib the attributes and historical information IN FRENCH on famous French people.

2010 Blog Thing #5

Ah Flickr. I am familiar with this site and use it alot; both my sister and father are into photography and use this site to showcase their work.

I have used Flickr to gather images for powerpoints for class as well as for personal projects. I continue to use Flickr for all sorts of image searches.

I think it can get a bit complicated when people put too many tags on their images, so it becomes hard to find sometimes. But, there is a wealth of beautiful pictures on there, especially touristic images I can use in class.

Thing #4

Blog registered....what's next?

Thing #3

ok got the Avatar going, looks scarily a bit like me...only smaller.

I have a bunch of things I can link in here already, youtube videos for class that I wasn't able to show in the T-shack (due to lack of technology) French links, things like French radio that appear blocked on the school firewall but are not harmful to students...AP resources....This looks like its going to be a great tool for me/us.

2010 Blog Thing #2

Ah, now to talk about life long learners. I think I hit 9/10 of the indicators of life long learners. I speak 4 languages, read a TON, make lists and set goals all over the place, I have confidence in myself as a learner, and I already teach and mentor!!

I still have many personal goals, like learning Arabic, getting to Morocco and India, and many many more.

I am hoping I can get the students to also follow this example and perhaps create something lasting and educational for their class.

2010 Blog Thing #1

I started this process two summers ago, (I think) but wasn't able to finish.

This is a good thing, and I can already see ways to have the kids update this blog, adding homework and resources for their independent study at the higher levels and posting perhaps the power points from other classes....